Providing operational, strategic planning, and technical assistance to help further the mission, purpose, programs, and fundraising goals for this nonprofit organization. Conducting accreditation visits for public prekindergarten, early childhood, and school-age childcare programs to assist programs in improving education and day-to-day quality. Provide technical assistance and feedback for the accreditation process. Conducting CLASS observations and collecting data for VDE's VQB5 Project to measure and improve the quality of publicly-funded infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms throughout Northern Virginia. Designing and implementing curriculum, instructional practice, assessment, arts integration, and course development for teaching and administrative staff. Ongoing professional development for instructional staff, special education compliance, and student and family engagement. Creation of Family league's inaugural workforce development program to train candidates in preparation for employment as home visitors. Strategic planning assistance with creation and operations for its Community Advisory Board. Conducting CLASS observations and collecting data for members of the Family Child Care Alliance to measure and improve quality family child care for infants, toddlers, and preschool children throughout Maryland. Curriculum writing to promote executive function and school readiness skills for children ages 0-5 based on ideas from parent focus groups through a series of human-centered design workshops. |